Friend Makin’ Mondays: A Little About Me

In reading this morning I came across many great blog posts. Some made me think, some made me laugh, and then there was one that seemed to challenge me to try something new. “Onderland Or Bust!” blogged about “Friend Makin’ Mondays“. It looks like a lot of fun, so I decided I’d give it a try. I borrowed the logo from “All The Weigh“, and think it looks like just the thing to bring a little fun into the day and meet more friends.


Borrowed from All The Weigh.


If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section here at: so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!

A Little About Me

1. Have you ever experienced love at first sight? Yes, once, fifteen years ago, complete opposites, but we believe that’s what makes us work. (and yes, we’re still madly in love)

2. What channel is your tv on the most? My tv is mostly off, but when it is on, it is mostly on HBO currently. (A month ago it would have been STARZ) I watch a few series and that’s about it.

3. Share one quality that you’re proud to have. I’m stubborn, I don’t bend to peer pressure. Kinda crazy to be proud of being stubborn, but without it, my journey would have ended long ago.

4. Describe your idea of a great evening. Hanging out with the family and enjoying a nice dinner, followed by relaxing in the hot tub with a glass of wine and my darling husband.

5. If your friends were asked to describe you in three words, which words would they choose? Stubborn, loyal, brutally honest.

6. What is your favorite holiday? Christmas. I get to enjoy the company of extended family that I do not see on a daily basis. I also really love watching the excitement and joy as the children open their gifts.

7. If you could change one thing that would make your life easier instantly, what would it be? I would turn my vehicle into a time machine so I could go back to when I was fixing to be 13. I would ask my young self for advice on how to talk to my almost 13 yo, so that we could skip the whole teen and mama drama.

8. What is one healthy food that you crave? Lobster.

9. Do you wear socks when you sleep? No, although I attempted it when Type 2 Diabetes was in control. My feet were always cold, but the socks were always bothersome.

10. Share at least three things for which you are thankful. My husband, my children, my grandchildren, the rest of my family, Dr. Christie who set me to path, my new found healthy, waking up this morning to enjoy the beauty that is life, and Bailey, who this morning got me to step out of my comfort zone!


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